2024-05-30 | 11:12:52 PM

Hi there. What I want to write here is already written in the previous day’s dev log:


2024-05-30 | 11:08:10 PM

Heeeey. I’m writing this at a later because I simply didn’t have enough time to code. Reality hits hard when a bunch of stuff affects your day-to-day schedule. The world, unfortunately, isn’t accommodating of the nuances in the stuff that I need to do daily. Other days I can code for up to eight (8) hours without a problem. Some days, they’re like now, when I couldn’t even think about the idea of coding without thinking about the more important stuff (i.e. school work, projects at work, cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner, etc.) that need to be done ASAP. Some day I even choose to lie down instead of coding because I’d been exhausted from all the stuff I’d been doing all day.

All that is to say I might need to re-consider how I would approach this “dailies” thing so I can make it happen. It’s truly something I want to engage in and I don’t want to fail. And fail in public, even. Who wants to embarrass themselves that way after all, correct?

But the thing is I’d promised this public journal wouldn’t be something I’ll be doing to impress other people, so I might have to reflect on the idea of dailies for quite some time.

Link to original

I’m still tired, and I might need to take a break from this daily coding thing… or somehow develop a way to make it part of my daily life without interrupting the more important stuff, like school, work, and rest times. It heavily goes against my values to ignore proper rest and recovery.

I’d rather chill and have fun with the learning process than dread it because I have to do it to “improve” myself. I could write an entire essay about this but I’d rather refer you to this (refer to 11:55:26 PM. 1



  1. I can’t link the note properly because Quartz’s heading-level linking is broken, unfortunately.