

  • Monk mode is intended to take one’s attention (which is normally outwardly focused) and direct it inward, in the attempt to develop high levels of mental clarity and productivity.
  • Generally, monk mode is concerned with five main objectives: 1. Enhancing equanimity 2. Increasing output and productivity 3. Magnifying self-awareness 4. Reducing mental instability 5. Creating a foundation for self-sustaining good habits
    • Complete Isolation – In this mode, you withdraw from society and become a virtual recluse. This is almost impossible to do without living in the sticks or a monastery of some kind. If you’re reading this, I have a feeling that you don’t want to become a monk, rather you just want the benefits a “monastic” lifestyle involves.
    • Note: informal. : an area in the country that is far away from towns and cities. We live way out in the sticks.
    • Rhythmic – This involves periods of near or completely-near isolation from activities that provoke massive amounts of stimulation or do not move one ahead in life.
    • Engaged Selectivity – This is someone who selectively engages with various objects and conventions in the world and chooses to forgo them entirely or practice shrewdness in relationship to them.
  • At this point, it should be quite obvious that monk mode is an intentional way of living. As such, there’s certain things you should vs. shouldn’t engage in.
  • Refrain From: * Social media use – Max 30. mins per day on ALL platforms * Purposeless Internet browsing * Junk food and empty calorie food – Sugars, sweets, salty foods * Sexual gratification of any kind – Complete abstinence if possible * Alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicants * Intermittent checking of smartphones – In line, when bored, etc. * Needless conversation for the sake of conversation
  • Engage In: * Meditation/mindfulness* – At least 30 minutes/day * Reading books * Getting into good physical shape – Cardio, strength training, etc. * Purposeful and selective isolation** – Conscious withdrawal from social obligations * Spending deep work sessions on important projects * Skill-based learning intended to increase standing in life * Completing backlogged tasks that were constantly pushed to “tomorrow”
  • You’ll want to keep a journal. This will allow you to observe your day-to-day feelings and moods in addition to noting any changes you witness in your internal and outward disposition.
  • Institute
    • Note: verb. set in motion or establish (something, especially a program, system, or inquiry).
  • The best results are seen when instituted for a minimum of 1-3 months.
  • Monk mode purposefully removes stimulating and mindless activities for a period of time in order to establish a more self-aware relationship with them.
  • Drinking, sexual pleasure, social media, and idle chatter are all things (among others) that have a high threshold for compulsion. These things often offer instant ways to feel good and avoid deeper plumbing into thoughts and feelings.
  • stopgap
    • Note: a temporary way of dealing with a problem or satisfying a need.
  • What is immediately rewarded is repeated. What is immediately punished is avoided. – James Clear, Atomic Habits
  • Adopting practices of minimalism will help you intentionally design your environment. This can make it easier to do the right thing than the wrong thing.
  • parlance.
    • Note: noun. a way or manner of speaking; vernacular; idiom: legal parlance. speech, especially a formal discussion or debate. talk; parley.
  • Addiction is the repeated involvement with a substance or activity, despite the substantial harm it now causes, because that involvement was (and may continue to be) pleasurable and/or valuable.
    • Note: The definition of addiction by
  • If your life is overcrowded with “obligations”, compulsions, and mental clutter, monk mode is for you. It will allow you to separate illusion from reality and focus on what’s really important in the time you have alive.
    • Monk mode is a practice to create inner stillness, increase mental discernment, and become more productive.
    • It can be done for any varying length of time, but the best results happen after 1 month.
    • The biggest issues in the beginning will be mental agitation but you need to push through it.
    • You want to make monk mode as attractive as possible by focusing on the benefits of the challenge.
  • This practice will expose flaws in your current lifestyle and possible solutions to these flaws.