2024-04-30 | 11:24:14 PM

Hello there, my dear Obsidian. It’s been a while. Actually, what I meant is that it’s been a long-ass day.

If only I could, I would gladly enjoy my time resting at this moment… but I have this new thing going on. Look, the thing is, people don’t give a shit. I mean they probably do, but they generally don’t. No one knows what the fuck this is. No one knows this site exists, except for my girlfriend.

Doesn’t that kinda suck? Well, to some people, it might. But to me, I think it’s just one of those things that I prefer private or generally unknown.

Honestly, I’ve been planning on building something like this already for such a looong, long time. The thought of writing something and sharing it to the world constantly amazes me. But again, I’ve long given up on the idea of perfection. The truth is I can spend ages trying to get across a message, yet still fail to properly do so.

The fucking issue is that the medium through which the message is delivered is often looked at as some extremely special thing — and I get that! Trust me, I get that.

It’s just that when you have no audience, I feel like it’s better to deliver half-assed ideas and go volume, volume, volume, without focusing too much on refining the quality of your work.

Sure, if your’e fucking J.K. Rowling or Seth Godin, then maybe you shouldn’t carelessly tweet something stupid just after drinking your 4th glass of whiskey. Why? Well, because the chance of you saying something stupid and then some other idiot across the globe takes your words as gospel is actually waaaay over the top compared to, say, us the laymen.

No one gives a shit about what I have to say, and I think that’s wonderful! I can write whatever the fuck it is I want here and literally 0 people would give a shit! I don’t want fame or leverage on my content anyways — at least not for now.

I believe that I first have a shit ton of things to learn and familiarize before I could actually count to have an opinion.

See all these words I’ve spewed in just a matter of minutes? To tell you the truth, I haven’t been thinking those things on my own. It just so happened that I had an amalgam of ideas that I’d gotten from the thousands of times that I’ve been listening to people speak. And you might say, “Well, no one’s really original!” To which I say, that’s the fucking point. It’s partly why I’m doing this writing every day thing, to find what it is I truly want to talk about.

I’ve been doing this for years, yet I’ve always felt like my stupidities have only but multiplied. Yesterday’s entry was a hot mess. I didn’t know what to do with all the possibilities I could have with this website. If I were a moron, I’d write my personal details purely for the thrill of someone accidentally stumbling upon my Linktree. I’d probably put some retarded shit here that my employer/potential employers could see. Heck, I could write an entire manifesto if I wanted to. But if anything, I’d just like to take this as one of those few chances I would get in life at reflecting on the things I could possibly do.

Maybe what I’m trying to get at is that I really don’t know how the fuck I should build this website, yet here I am adhering to the philosphy of quantity vs quality (by the way, I absolutely haven’t read that shit yet, LMFAO, but it gets a spot on my Readwise. So if you search it up on this website and see nothing, I probably got too lazy to read it and let it sit at my inbox, just like the tons of articles I around which I still haven’t gotten my way to read yet).

Oh shit, and yeah… I completely forgot to put this, but I went to the ER today. LMAO I know, it’s super random. But just a few days ago I’ve been experiencing a dull pain on my lower-left abdomen. It began as a vague sensation of discomfort, but then it evolved to be these intermittent sharp spasms, which prompted me to go to the nearest emergency room yesterday night, at around 11:00 PM, to be exact. I got declined at first — the Doctor said that there has been a high volume of emergent patients coming from the recent bus accident at the Commonwealth Avenue. So I extended my patience as she handed me a small piece of paper that contained a few contact numbers from the Department of Health Operation and Coordinating Center (DOH OPCen). I got into contact with a few of the personnel behind the contact numbers, but they ultimately failed to provide me with assistance, even after nearly three (3) hours of patiently (kinda, lol — I was getting really, really frustrated) waiting.

I went to bed last night in pain. I woke up with the pain only having worsened, which finally made me contact our university’s clinic. The Doctor referred me to a nearby emergency room — to which I went, and spent the bulk of my day today. My blood test and urinalysis both came back normal. I was advised to go home with a prescription medication for the pain I’m experiencing. Nothing life-threatening, thankfully. Just some unfortunate bouts of discomfort.

Thankfully, I’m now back at my unit writing this Dailies entry.

So there’s your update! No one would genuinely give a shit about this on social media. If you cared enough, though, you’d probably find out about this public journal anyways, and deliberately (as opposed to forcibly) read through the shit I’m writing. 😂

I didn’t realize that’s already nearly a thousand words. Putting here some nonsense so I can reach 1,000 words. There you go.

Okay, now go back to whatever the fuck it is you were doing.

If you’re annoyed you even reached this part, let me rub salt on the wound:

And if that’s something you’re interested in, then feel free to browse around and let your curiosity take you wherever. I can’t promise it’ll be fun. All I can promise is that I’ll probably bore you out of your mind because you’d soon realize that this website isn’t like how everyone else builds their website to be.

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So off you go! But hey, if you reached this part, I can’t believe you did. So thank you, lol. Just… keep in mind that you can find updates about me on this website, whenever and wherever — as long as you have internet access. Just don’t be obliged to read any of the shit I’m writing because, again, quite frankly, they’re just meant for me:

And that’s all. That’s all there is to this website (or at least that’s all there is to what I want this website to be) — a place where I could be unequivocally honest.

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