

  • Exponential curves are the key to wealth generation. A medium-sized business that grows 50% in value every year becomes huge in a very short amount of time. Few businesses in the world have true network effects and extreme scalability. But with technology, more and more will. It’s worth a lot of effort to find them and create them.
  • You also want to be an exponential curve yourself—you should aim for your life to follow an ever-increasing up-and-to-the-right trajectory. It’s important to move towards a career that has a compounding effect—most careers progress fairly linearly.
    • Note: I wonder which careers compound and which ones don’t.
  • You don’t want to be in a career where people who have been doing it for two years can be as effective as people who have been doing it for twenty—your rate of learning should always be high. As your career progresses, each unit of work you do should generate more and more results. There are many ways to get this leverage, such as capital, technology, brand, network effects, and managing people.
  • bogged down
  • In a world where almost no one takes a truly long-term view, the market richly rewards those who do.
  • Trust the exponential, be patient, and be pleasantly surprised.
  • The most successful people I know believe in themselves almost to the point of delusion. Cultivate this early. As you get more data points that your judgment is good and you can consistently deliver results, trust yourself more.
  • Self-belief must be balanced with self-awareness.
  • Truth-seeking is hard and often painful, but it is what separates self-belief from self-delusion.