Alarming Statistics That Show How Addicted We Are to Mobile Devices
- Author: Anthony Ongaro
- Full Title: Alarming Statistics That Show How Addicted We Are to Mobile Devices
- Category:articles
- Published Date: 2017-10-17
- Summary: People are using mobile devices excessively, with 81% owning smartphones. This constant connectivity has negative effects on mental health and well-being. Consider joining a seven-day digital detox to reassess your relationship with technology.
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- The vast majority, 81% of us, now own a smartphone. (View Highlight)
- The mere presence of your smartphone is reducing your cognitive capacity. (View Highlight)
- Over-dependence on smartphones leads to user stress and is correlated to psychological traits including loss of control, social interaction anxiety, and materialism. (View Highlight)
- There’s a strong link between the amount of time teens spend looking at screens and how sad they feel. (View Highlight)