6 Websites to Help You F…




  • 6 websites to help you find (and analyse) the right academic literature. (View Tweet)
  • 1/ Google Scholar Just like Google search, but for academic papers. Use it to:
  • 2/ Semantic Scholar Search papers through citation networks. Use it to:
  • @SemanticScholar 3/ Research Rabbit Search often goes like this: you open a paper.. you check a reference.. you look into cited authors.. you open yet another paper.. then.. you are lost. @RsrchRabbit lets you dive into the rabbit hole, while leaving a trail back. https://t.co/UFCcUy31G3 (View Tweet)
  • @SemanticScholar @RsrchRabbit 4/ Elicit Ask rather than search. Elicit (@elicitorg) will search the papers but will also try to extract the key details for you. That makes it easier to:
  • @SemanticScholar @RsrchRabbit @elicitorg 5/ Scite (@scite) Check if a paper supports, contrasts or just mentions another. Use it to:
  • @SemanticScholar @RsrchRabbit @elicitorg @scite 6/ Connected Papers Navigate through a network of similar papers. Most websites let you navigate through citation networks. @ConnectedPapers finds similar papers instead. Use it to:
  • @SemanticScholar @RsrchRabbit @elicitorg @scite @ConnectedPapers Conceptual.. what? Conceptual Saturation is the point when you are learning no new information. At that moment, you can assume there is nothing new to learn from that area. THAT is the goal for a literature review. (View Tweet)
  • @SemanticScholar @RsrchRabbit @elicitorg @scite @ConnectedPapers Here is the list of academic search websites again: 1/ Google Scholar 2/ Semantic Scholar 3/ Research Rabbit 4/ Elicit 5/ Scite 6/ Connected Papers So, which one do you use? (View Tweet)
  • If you enjoyed learning where to search for academic literature:
    1. Follow me @bianca_oli_per for insights on knowledge management, research & sensemaking.
    2. Retweet this thread to help others find them as well. Here is the top tweet: https://t.co/kjLY3RRYA0 (View Tweet)