Linking ideas together and creating new ones from existing thoughts are aided by a digital garden.

A digital garden promotes the hollistic and external nature of a thought through bidirectional linking which mirrors the way the human mind works.

Through planting nascent seeds of ideas, digital gardeners expose themselves to a world made by their brains. This world is made of an authentic set of information that is authentic to the gardener himself. It is, in quite magical words, his authentic world. This world is the key to finding hidden (or novel, whichever nomenclature) ideas. These ideas, on the other hand, are the product of exclusively thinking in one’s authentic context, whether that be through a digital garden or by other means such as writing, note-taking, drawing, painting, etc.

Take note that content creation as learning (that is, creating in order to learn, not vice versa) is not easy, but it mirrors the main functionality of digital gardens 1 according to Anne Laure of Ness Labs. It still, regardless of ease or difficulty, remains a reliable way to generate novel insights on any topic.


  1. A digital garden is an online space at the intersection of a notebook and a blog, where digital gardeners share seeds of thoughts to be cultivated in public]