What Would Happen if We Slowed Down?



  • Author: Study Hacks
  • Full Title: What Would Happen if We Slowed Down?
  • Category:articles
  • Published Date: 2021-09-07
  • Summary: Many knowledge workers are consistently overloaded, working roughly 20% more than they can comfortably handle. This creates a background stress that is sustained over time. The reason for this overload is that knowledge workers are left to self-regulate their workload, and they tend to say “no” only when they feel stressed. However, what would happen if they aimed to work 20% less than they had time for? The author suggests that it might not have as much of a negative impact on their professional life as they fear. However, not enough people are asking these questions and considering the benefits of slowing down and reducing workload.
  • URL: https://calnewport.com/what-would-happen-if-we-slowed-down/


  • many knowledge workers end up toiling roughly 20% more than they have time to comfortably handle. (View Highlight)
  • heuristic (View Highlight)
    • Note: A common sense rule.
  • frivolous (View Highlight)
    • Note: From Oxford languages: “[N]ot having any serious purpose or value.”
  • We care a lot about doing well with the work on our plate (as we should), but not nearly enough about asking how big that plate should be in the first place. (View Highlight)
    • Note: I really would’ve loved to see some statistics that could support his claims. It seems I’m reading a prose that doesn’t have anything to buttress it, and I’m uncomfortable with that.