2024-05-01 | 06:14:47 PM

Boundaries aren’t some sort of easy thing to enforce, especially when we’re very much used to people-pleasing. Enforcing boundaries almost feels like pushing people away, but as I’d understood as I went through life, in my past 22 years of experience, they’re the exact opposite. Here’s a quick summary of boundaries from Brian Stout’s article, Brian Stout, Your Boundaries Set You Free:

  • Summary: Boundaries are an act of love for both yourself and others, as they create space for authentic connections and choices. Being able to say no makes it possible for your yes to be authentic, and setting boundaries is an essential act of self-care and self-love. It is important to take responsibility only for your own actions and not to shoulder the emotional responsibility of others. Repairing relationships after a rupture requires emotional labor, and the responsibility for initiating this repair lies with the person who is most healed.
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I like this quote from Prentis Hemphill: