

  • Why you should write in public: 1. Attract friends and business partners.
    1. Writing helps you understand yourself. All of us have unprocessed feelings and emotions. Writing is the best way to identify what’s making you uncomfortable. By writing, you gain clarity in your life.
    1. Writing accelerates your learning. If you want to understand a topic better, start teaching it. The act of putting ideas into your own words tattoos them into your mind. As @JamesClear once said: “If you think you can learn a lot by reading a book, try writing one.”
    1. Writing makes you more observant. Every time you write something, new parts of the world come alive. Every experience, every conversation, and everything you read becomes a potential future sentence. That’s why writing regularly wakes you up and makes your mind come alive.
    1. Writing establishes expertise. Excellent essays attract excellent people. If you write well about a topic, the world’s experts will reach out to you. Since writing is a record of your best ideas, your essays will double as a resume that demonstrates your intellectual rigor.
    1. Writing will accelerate your career. Good writers are clear thinkers and clear thinkers are rewarded at work.
    1. Writing attracts opportunities. Every article you publish is like a serendipity vehicle. High-level people who resonate with your ideas will reach out to you with career opportunities you couldn’t have imagined.
    1. Writing improves your thinking.
    1. Writing online raises your standards. Thinking in public raises your standard for quality.