2024-05-28 | 10:44:58 PM

I didn’t code this day and, obviously, I’m writing this at this time: 2024-05-28 | 10:45:18 PM. I could go on about a lot of the possible reasons but it’s just that I lacked the discipline to code this day, which I partly talked about in May 25’s journal entry:


2024-05-28 | 10:16:59 PM

Hello there. I’m writing this since I didn’t write anything yesterday. Look, I’m gonna be honest. I’m not some magical dude who so happens to have an extraordinary level of discipline. I’m just… an ordinary dude trying to do ordinary things. Point being: I admit to lacking discipline the past day to write about my day. And here I am trying to bring things back on track. Missing one day, after all, is way better than missing two — correct? I think I got that idea first from Atomic Habits, which I’d read a few years ago. I’ll take things slowly for now. It’s really ambitious for me to write all my public reflections every day while, at the same time, maintaining the same level of rigor that I carry in treating my ideas, all the while balancing my professional and academic life, and a ton more.

Having been said, I’ll go back to 2024-05-27 to write about whatever happened yesterday which, quite frankly, I don’t remember much anymore.

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