Writing online is a superpower



  • Author: David Perell
  • Full Title: Writing online is a superpower
  • Category:articles
  • Published Date: 2020-02-12
  • Document Note: Writing online can be a powerful tool for various groups of individuals, ranging from those with niche hobbies to academia to entrepreneurs, job hunters, investors, and artists. Writing can help expand one’s audience, sharpen thinking, attract recruiters, and demonstrate competence and commitment. The internet provides the opportunity for people to connect with like-minded individuals and showcase their unique skills and ideas. Taking an online writing course can help anyone develop this superpower.
  • Summary: Writing online can be a powerful tool for various groups of individuals, ranging from those with niche hobbies to academia to entrepreneurs, job hunters, investors, and artists. Writing can help expand one’s audience, sharpen thinking, attract recruiters, and demonstrate competence and commitment. The internet provides the opportunity for people to connect with like-minded individuals and showcase their unique skills and ideas. Taking an online writing course can help anyone develop this superpower.
  • URL: https://twitter.com/david_perell/status/1227612675334660099


    1. The Niche Hobbyist The Internet rewards people with obscure interests. Writing online will help you find other like-minded hobbyists who you wouldn’t be able to find in real-life. (View Highlight)
    1. The Up-and-Coming Entrepreneur We’re moving to a world of Audience-First Products. Before the Internet, companies built products before audiences. Now, they build audiences before products. It’s easier to start a business when you have an audience. (View Highlight)
    1. The Underestimated Employee The number one predictor of entrepreneurship is asymmetric information about skill levels. If the market under-values your skills, and you aren’t able to demonstrate your competence at work, you can prove yourself by writing online. (View Highlight)
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    1. The Deep Thinker Writing online will sharpen your thinking. An empty white page is a mirror into your mind. When the ideas in your mind are clouded, so are the words on the page in front of you. Re-writing is re-thinking. Writing is the best way to improve your ideas.
    1. The Job Hunter A well-written personal blog says more about you than any resume ever will. Writing demonstrates curiosity, commitment and diligence — which attracts the eye of the world’s best companies. Instead of reaching out to recruiters, they’ll be reaching out to you. (View Highlight)
    • Note: This is something I’ve been thinking heavily about. It’s the reason why I’ve been wanting to start my Obsidian Publish. But then again, I need to explore more options for that. But building a personal brand really is something that I’ve always wanted to do. It’s a serendipity vehicle that allows me to leverage my personal monopoly.
    1. The Gifted Artist Fans like artists who can explain the thinking behind their work. Write online to document your creative process and give fans a window into the madness of your mind. As you write, your art will become three-dimensional. You’ll attract die-hard fans. (View Highlight)
    • Note: I’m thinking – is this viable with design? Yes, yes it is. But I’m not sure yet how, and I’ve got to explore that rabbit hole someday.
  • Writing online is the fastest way to accelerate your career. It’ll help you learn faster, build your resume and meet people who can create personal and professional opportunities for you. Writing online is a superpower. (View Highlight)
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