The Ultimate Guide to Writing Online



  • Author: David Perell

  • Full Title: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Online

  • Category:articles

  • Document Note: Writing online is a quick way to accelerate a career and gain knowledge faster than traditional learning methods. By sharing ideas online, professionals can build a targeted audience and network with peers to create job and business opportunities. The author explains how to accelerate a career online by presenting a roadmap with seven components, including setting up an online home, learning to write persuasively, and building a personal microphoe. Distribution is critical to the success of a blog; it is often overlooked by writers. Creating a curated list of articles or resources and having a distribution strategy can help attract readers.

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  • Writing online is the fastest way to accelerate your career. It’s the best way to learn faster, build your resume, and find peers and collaborators who can create job and business opportunities for you. (View Highlight)
  • Day and night, your content searches the world for people and opportunities. Projects, mentors, speaking gigs, job offers, pitches, investment opportunities, interview requests, podcast appearances, and invitations to special events. It all starts with sharing ideas online. (View Highlight)
  • The Internet and technology have given individuals more reach than the biggest media companies. That’s why 50-person startups can now serve 900 million people. Leverage is a force multiplier on everything you do and every decision you make, and once you gain it, you can achieve things that once looked impossible. (View Highlight)
  • Archimedes famously said: “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” (View Highlight)
  • Writing online is the fastest way to accelerate your career. It’s the best way to learn faster, build your resume, and find peers and collaborators who can create job and business opportunities for you. (View Highlight)
  • When you create content, people can access your knowledge without taking your time. You no longer need to sell knowledge by the hour. Your ideas are the most valuable currency in a knowledge-driven economy. Just as an investment account allows your money to grow day and night without your involvement, content does the same with your ideas. (View Highlight)
  • Content builds on itself. It multiplies and compounds. (View Highlight)
  • Day and night, your content searches the world for people and opportunities. Projects, mentors, speaking gigs, job offers, pitches, investment opportunities, interview requests, podcast appearances, and invitations to special events. It all starts with sharing ideas online. (View Highlight)
  • The seeds are planted years before the flowers bloom. (View Highlight)
  • Until recently, the average person wasn’t able to publish and distribute their ideas at a reasonable cost. But on the Internet, anybody, in any corner of the world, in any time zone, can access your best thinking. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. 365 days a year. (View Highlight)
  • When you publish ideas, you create your own “Serendipity Vehicle” – a magnet for ideas and people and opportunities from potentially every corner of the globe. (View Highlight)
  • Make it easy for people to find you. Buy a domain name and use it to create your own website, even if it’s very simple at first. Your website is your resume, your business card, your store, your directory, and your personal magazine. It’s the one place online that you completely own and control – your Online Home. (View Highlight)
  • When you first begin writing, before you publish anything, your website should have two things:
    1. A Start Here page
    2. A curated list of your favorite articles (View Highlight)
  • Your Start Here page should answer routine visitor questions. Most readers want guidance, so give it to them. (View Highlight)
  • Remember, nobody is familiar with your work like you are. You’ve pored through every sentence on your site, but your readers have only skimmed them at most. In that way, you’re like a host at a party. You’ve planned the party, and it’s your job to make sure people aren’t confused when they arrive at your home. Once they’ve committed to staying, lead them around the place, and introduce them to things that will interest them. If you can do that, you’ve done your job. (View Highlight)
  • Writing without an audience can make you feel invisible. You feel like you’re shouting into an empty room, where nobody is listening. Every creator, big or small, knows this feeling. It’s the part of the process that most writers want to escape as fast as possible. (View Highlight)