Career Advice: Best of the Best



  • Author: David Perell
  • Full Title: Career Advice: Best of the Best
  • Category:articles
  • Document Note: David Perell has collected the best career advice which includes ideas from Charlie Munger, Matsuo Bashō, Naval Ravikant, and others. The advice includes understanding the task at hand, not following the footsteps of wise people, taking the harder path, aiming high, having an open network, being uniquely qualified, and continuous learning. The post concludes with a quote from Marc Andreessen that explains how the world is malleable and will often reconfigure itself around someone who knows what they want and goes for it with energy and drive.
  • Summary: The author has collected the best career advice which includes ideas from Charlie Munger, Matsuo Bashō, Naval Ravikant, and others. The advice includes understanding the task at hand, not following the footsteps of wise people, taking the harder path, aiming high, having an open network, being uniquely qualified, and continuous learning. The post concludes with a quote from Marc Andreessen that explains how the world is malleable and will often reconfigure itself around someone who knows what they want and goes for it with energy and drive.
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    1. “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought” – Matsuo Bashō (View Highlight)
    1. “Doing what everybody else is doing feels like the safest thing to do. But it’s also the most competitive, which makes it the riskiest.” – Morgan Housel (View Highlight)
  • I’ve collected tons of career advice. Here’s the best of the best. (View Highlight)
    1. Most success comes from repetition, not new things. “My whole system of life is keeping at it. The task of life is not to see clearly in the distance but to do the task at hand” — Charlie Munger (View Highlight)
    1. “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought” – Matsuo Bashō (View Highlight)
    1. “Doing what everybody else is doing feels like the safest thing to do. But it’s also the most competitive, which makes it the riskiest.” – Morgan Housel (View Highlight)
    1. To gain an edge, run upstairs. Follow the more difficult path. Start by picking a hard problem, and then at every decision point, take the harder choice. (View Highlight)
    1. “You get paid linearly for analyzing and solving problems. You get paid non-linearly for spotting and seizing opportunities.” – Shane Parrish. (View Highlight)
    1. “You don’t get paid what you deserve — you get paid what other people think you’re worth.” — Seth Godin (View Highlight)
    1. Young people should identify a senior person’s pain point. Then, they should offer to take that person’s work away from them. “Tell me what you need done, I’ll make it my daily mission to do it for you, freeing up your time for bigger things.” – Josh Brown (View Highlight)
    1. Words of wisdom from Tyler Cowen:
    2. Compounding creates success in almost anything.
    3. Always ask better questions and obsess over that.
    4. Take wherever you’re at and just try to push your understanding deeper. (View Highlight)
    1. Aim high. Set your sights on the betterment of Being. Align yourself, in your soul, with Truth and the Highest Good. If you’re not oriented, you bend when suffering comes. The nobler the aim, the better your life. Once you have an aim, focus on the moment. Attend to the day, but aim at the highest good. (View Highlight)
    1. Learn to sell. Every job is a sales job, especially as you move up the ladder. – @sama (View Highlight)
    1. The #1 predictor of career success is having an open network. This exposes you to more people and new ideas. (View Highlight)
    1. The Elon Musk’s approach: “You should take the approach that you’re wrong. Your goal is to be less wrong.” Remember: we’ve only taken a bucket of knowledge from a sea of ignorance. (View Highlight)
    1. Aim for specific knowledge. You want to be uniquely qualified. You want to figure out what skills does society want, but doesn’t know how to get. Once your skill can be trained, you are replaceable. You want to be uniquely qualified. (View Highlight)
    1. “Aim to become not the best at what you do but ‘the only one’ who does what you do” – Keith Rabois (View Highlight)
    1. “You get paid linearly for analyzing and solving problems. You get paid non-linearly for spotting and seizing opportunities.” – Shane Parrish. Run towards trouble. Have a process. Focus on strengths. Accept responsibility. Pass on wisdom and advice. Work with the world as you find it, not as you want it. (View Highlight)
    1. Continuous learning is essential. The information you need is free. All forms of work are moving towards paid learning. YouTube is the world’s best school. The internet is one big, global library. (View Highlight)
    1. Love this quote from Marc Andreessen: “The world is a very malleable place. If you know what you want, and you go for it with maximum energy and drive and passion, the world will often reconfigure itself around you much more quickly and easily than you would think.” (View Highlight)