2024-05-28 | 10:33:48 PM

Hi there! I didn’t write anything yesterday, so I’m adding this note in just to not break the streak I have over at my dailies index. I’m gonna be honest, I don’t remember much from this day, other than I read Outlive and I’m already nearly finished. I’m two chapters from finishing the book, and I must say I’d thoroughly enjoyed reading it. There could be some improvements here and there, but most of the comments I have are minor. To some, they could be a deal-breaker, but to me they don’t matter that much. One comment I have is Peter’s attempt at making his writing more non-academic. I feel like there were times in the book that I’d felt as if he tried too hard to sound relatable, in a way. I’d felt patronized while reading those “non-academic” parts, and at times it felt like I was reading a blog post rather than a book rife with medical, scientific, and academic information.

Anyway, there’s that. I’ll move over to my supposed dev log for this day and lay out the reasons for my inability to code.