Now That You Know, Do Better | Wants Make You a Servant




  • Now that you know, do better Key takeaways:
    • Dr. Edith Edgar, a Holocaust survivor, suggests to give yourself the gift of the present moment
    • She believes that guilt is about the past and the past cannot be changed
    • Marcus Aurelius encourages not wasting the second chance on guilt Transcript: Speaker 1 Now that you know, do better. We look back on things that we clearly messed up We were too preoccupied. We were too harsh. We were wrong. We didn’t know and Because we messed up we feel guilty We regret what could have been we’re mad at ourselves. We wallow in pity or shame Dr. Edith Edgar the Holocaust survivor cut through all of this with her graceful bluntness on the Daily Stowak podcast recently She’s been on twice both episodes or must listen as she said if I knew then But I know now I would have done things differently That is the end of that she said and so it must be for us give yourself the gift of the present moment Marcus really wrote in meditations sees this second chance Don’t waste it on guilt because as dr. Edder said guilt is about the past and the past is the one thing we cannot change (Time 0:00:50)