2024-05-09 | 12:45:05 AM

Heya! GOSH. What a day it has been. To say I enjoyed and felt fulfilled is an understatement. I’ve been tinkering around the code of my Quartz website and finally got around to a look that I actually like! How does it look now? Hehe 😉

OH, and I also finally got around to buy a domain name! And that domain name, as you probably could already tell, is https://ianaquino.xyz/. I love how modern it is. I like how simple it is, yet so elegant. Dot xyz? Are you kidding me? That’s fucking DOPE.

Anyway, well… to be fair. This is my first website. One that I legitimately put effort on. I’d been writing on this thing the past few days, and my excitement for it’s only but gone higher. It’s extremely cathartic being able to go through the process of trial and error, trying to look-dev my website, down to the slightest of the slightest degree of change in saturation values.

It’s also nice that I now recognize CSS once again! Heck, it’s the reason why I even got to tinker with the website’s colors in the first place. Not to mention, of course, the wonderfully-written documentation of Quartz. If anyone’s curious about the hexcodes of my website’s colors, just take a look at the picture below:

I wish I could have a before picture, but all I can show is an after picture, lol. Here’s a video of me casually browsing through the website:

A video of me browsing through my Public Journal:

Anyway, I think that’s it for now. I really have to sleep so I could wake up at the proper time for my shift tomorrow. Today’s been a-fuckin’-mazing, to say the least.

Lastly, here’s how I had spent my day today, according to Toggl:

That’s it! I’ll go to bed now and continue doing this thing tomorrow. I’ll see you then. 🩶

2024-05-09 | 05:25:51 PM

Hi there. It’s been a while. I didn’t write my dailies entry first thing in the morning. Upon waking up, I immediately played around my obsidian vault to configure it so it could have the same branding as my website.

I spent some time last night doing some development work for my website, so much so that I completely set aside my plan of reading for the day. It’s really nice being able to do the things I love without having to think too much of my responsibilities (it’s been kind of a slow season recently due to my recent contract renewal at my job and our school’s sports fest).

I wish I could write more about what I did today, but all I really did was fiddle around the appearance of my Obsidian vault. Oh, and I also added the last few stories (yes, as in Instagram and Facebook stories) I would put online:

My three (3) last social media stories:

Here’s a video of me going through my Obsidian vault, for you to see how cool it actually looks:

A video of me browsing my Obsidian vault:

Also, I again would like to echo how nice it is that I finally have a website that actually reflects who I am. A space where I could be 100% genuine to myself, without having to think of some annoying number on a screen.

Anyway, I think that’s it for now. I still have a bunch of things to do, unfortunately. I recently just got reminded of a task I need to submit tomorrow for work, which I’d have to manage later since I spent most of my morning today managing my passion project, which is this public journal.

I would also do my best to code later, despite my irresponsibility to notice the things I needed to do today. It’s not an excuse that I forgot about the things I was supposed to do. I’ll see you later. I’ll create the dev log now, so I’ll inevitably see it later, when I open my journal to write about my day.

I’ll see you then.