Ali Abdaal: Is Hard Work Overrated?




  • you know my my mom would genuinely say to me back in the day that like you know at some point you’ve got to grow up you’ve got to be an adult and that means you stop playing around and that is such a standard thing for people to say but they probably don’t realize that like you know the highest performers in most Fields genuinely do feel as if they’re playing yeah Richard feineman won his his Nobel Prize in physics you know he was feeling like super burnt out his wife had died he was like giving up with the whole physics thing and then one day he he kind of saw in the Cornell cafeteria um a plate so a student was like chucking a plate up in the air and he looked at the logo of the Cornell Cornell University and it’s like huh the the logo is wobbling at a different like rate as like the radius of the plate and then he was like huh let me just explore that it’s not like leading to anything but like let me just try and create equations that model the wobbling of the plate and those equations ultimately led him to the equations that would win of the Nobel Prize a few years later and he credits it to playing (View Highlight)
  • I notice even people that I I I know are successful in part because they’re playful they enjoy it sometimes in interviews they’ll say they’ll say these these things they’ll create these myths of oh I just struggled for years and years the Muhammad Ali quote that you said it’s almost I wonder if they actually forget I I don’t know if they’re doing that on purpose they’re trying to create that myth or they just forget how much they enjoyed it but the the stories you hear about in books and and and magazines and TV I feel like also kind of lion eyes these like you know Martyrs these Martyrs that really went through the fire and came out the other end as Heroes and then those are the people that we end up looking up to yeah you tend not to hear stories about the person who just like really enjoyed what they did and found ways to make it fun and you know arrived home at a reasonable hour to be able to spend time with their wife and kids and you know had a pretty good life you like that does not make for a particularly compelling story no it does but it does make for a very good life for that person (View Highlight)
    • Note: And most of the time, the interesting parts of the stories are usually the times when they struggled. Sorta like a play between meaning only appearing in toil.