What's this?

Here lies all interesting stuff I find about CSS. These would include all bugs, errors, fixes, and other technical information that I could find useful in my development journey.

dev-2024-05-05-Making CSS Interactive | 06:42:32 PM

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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
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As stated above, this code block styles the page to “look similar on mobile as it does on a desktop or laptop.”

dev-2024-05-06-Putting a Link in CSS | 01:38:52 PM

dev-2024-05-06-Displaying an Inline Block | 02:06:07 PM

We can use the following to display an inline block in CSS:

selector-here {
	display: inline-block;

An inline block fixes the problem of working with block-level elements and text-align whereby the block-level element acts in a way that fills up the entirety of the block-level element. Refer to this for more context.

dev-2024-05-06-Adding hover, active, and visited looks for a link | 04:09:35 PM

Refer to this for preliminary context. Here’s how it works:

CSS adds visited, hover, and active properties to a selector as follows. Say, for example, we have a selector for a <p> with the following attribute: class="for-css", and we wanted to change its look for when it’s on hover, active, and visited.

It will look like this, when we modify it in the styles.css sheet of my project:

p.for-css:hover {
	color: black;
	color: brown;
p.for-css:visited {
	color: black;

dev-2024-05-07-What it means to have two values in the CSS margin property | 11:17:22 AM

What it means to have two values in the CSS margin property:

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This also works for the padding property!

If there are two values in a margin property, they set the margin values of top & bottom, left & right. Here’s a code snippet to understand it more. Say we have an HTML p element with the attribute class="something", and we wanted to add a 10px auto value in its margin:

It would look something like this in the HTML file:

<p class="something">style me, please!</p>

In the CSS stylesheet, it would look like this:

p.something {
	margin: 10px auto;

If there were two values and, say, we wanted to create a CSS attribute that sets the margin-top & margin-bottom to 20px, and marign-left and margin-right to 10px. It would look like this:

p.something {
	margin: 20px auto 10px auto;

dev-2024-05-07-Color hexadecimal values | 11:57:21 AM

dev-2024-05-07-using HSL in CSS | 12:01:00 PM

dev-2024-05-08-A simple use-case for a linear gradient in CSS: | 10:02:12 AM

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dev-2024-05-09-the CSS vh attribute | 10:41:31 PM

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As it states, tie vh unit stands for “viewport height”. A height of 100vh, then, is equivalent to 100% of the viewport’s height.

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dev-2024-05-11-Selecting the last element of a specific type: | 08:53:37 PM

Selecting the last element of a specific type:

We can select the last element of a specific type using the CSS pseudo-class last-of-type. This pseudo-class is to be appended into an existing CSS selector, like so:

p:last-of-type, where p is the element type from which we are selecting. After selecting, we can move forward to specifying CSS attributes for the entire selector.

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dev-2024-05-12-Linking a stylesheet to an HTML file | 10:22:45 PM

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./{{stylesheet-here}}">

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dev-2024-05-16-The difference between a block element and an inline-block | 08:54:25 PM

The difference of a block element and an inline-block:

Block: A block element takes up the full width available, and has a line break before and after it. Inline: An inline element does not have line break before and after it, and only takes up as much width as necessary.

Click here for reference.

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dev-2024-05-19-Blurring something in CSS using the filter attribute | 09:27:17 PM

Blurring something in CSS using the filter attribute:

When blurring a selector in CSS, we must use the following syntax:

filter: blur({{blur-amount}});

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dev-2024-05-19-Rounding the edges of a div | 09:33:56 PM

Rounding the edges of a div

When rounding the edges of a div, we must use the following syntax:

border-radius: {{amount-here}};

We must note that the border-radius CSS attribute takes the following format:

top-left top-right bottom-right bottom-left

The values must not have a comma in between each.

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dev-2024-05-19-Rotating a CSS Selector | 09:40:07 PM

Rotating a CSS selector:

We must use the following syntax to rotate something in CSS:

transform: rotate({{value-in-deg}});

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