Hey there! Thank you for reaching this part.

If you still haven’t finished _READ-ME-FIRST, that’s fine. I generally wouldn’t want to advocate for a very specific way for you to go about reading the stuff here anyway.

This page is mainly to guide you on how to navigate my Public Journal.

Honestly, there really is no proper way to go about it, other than to let your curiosity take you wherever (as with other digital gardens). However, I get that it gets daunting to navigate the website at first, especially when you’re not used to the chaos of just going through the motions with a “take me wherever!” mindset.

Despite that, instead of giving you a precise and almost mechanical way to navigate the website, I will provide you with more context for you to use, so you can still have it your way as you go through the content of my public journal.

On your left, if you’re on a PC, you can see there is a changelog, under the ___changelog folder. The ___changelog folder and the changelog file are both accessible in the search, so you can find them there, when you’re on a mobile device. If you want to know about the recent and specific updates in my public journal, you can head there and see for yourself.

Speaking about search, both PC and mobile device users have access to the search functionality. It’s a full-text search, so you can pretty much search any word you want, and a few notes (or should I call them entries? 😉) would appear. From there on, feel free to explore whichever note you might land onto.

Moving forward, there are a few notes with variations of either of these pre-fixes: _ and xx, where xx is a set of numbers (some examples include _READ-ME-FIRST, _READ-ME-NEXT, 00_idea-dump, and 00_life-lessons). These are what you should focus your attention to, as they are the important notes in the journal. In the future, I will add more important notes to the journal, but for now that’s the only information I can divulge.

Now, I can’t always update the journal with valuable (as in practical information that you can use!) content. However, I’m doing a thing called dailies, wherein I sit down and write every day. You might want to check that out if you just want to stay updated on what I’m doing — all the stupid, mundane, and silly stuff included — on a day-to-day basis.

I also keep a compilation of all the highlights and notes that I have on the materials that I consume, including articles, videos, podcasts, and books, through Readwise and Matter, which you can find on the Explorer, to your left, when you’re on PC. If you’re on a mobile device, please feel free to use the search functionality of the website so you can go there easily.

And that’s it! That’s all you need to navigate this thing.

I know it might not make sense at first, but trust me, it’s really enjoyable to surrender to serendipity. Speaking about serendipity, you might want to check out my set of highlights from an article by David Perell, one of my favorite writers: How to Maximize Serendipity. The direct link to the article is also in the link above, if you want to read the entire thing. Lastly, below is a quick Artificial Intelligence (AI) summary of it, provided by Readwise themselves, if you’re interested:

  • Summary: Serendipity is a state of mind that can be maximized to accelerate progress. Opportunities that arise do so unexpectedly out of the blue. Networking can happen in unconventional settings, like at a basketball court instead of a formal professional event. Building relationships based on trust, joy, and mutual respect are the foundation of serendipity. Like ambient music, relationships thrive on subtle, regular connection, pandemic or not.
Link to original

See you around!