What's this?

Here lies all interesting stuff I find about HTML. These would include all bugs, errors, fixes, and other technical information that I could find useful in my development journey.

dev-2024-05-07-Adding multiple classes to an HTML element | 11:27:25 AM

For us to add multiple classes to an HTML element, we just need to add a space per value of the class in the attribute. Here’s how it looks like:

<p class="restaurant eatery carinderia">somewhere to eat</p>

However, when working with CSS, we need to keep this in mind:

dev-2024-05-09-for and id atrributes | 11:00:14 PM

HTML's for attribute has to have an id attribute.

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A for attribute needs to have an id attribute, for it to work. 1

dev-2024-05-10-Adding a pattern element to an input element | 10:46:02 PM

Setting a pattern attribute to an input element

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For an expanded context, go here.

To copy and paste the context from dev-2024-05-10, see below:

To set a pattern element into an input element in HTML, we must append the following attribute syntax to the input element:


It could look like this in code:

<input class="text" id="some text" type="password" required pattern="[a-z0-5]{8,}"/>

The following input needs to meet these parameters:


The above is a regular expression which matches eight or more lowercase letters or the digits 0 to 5.

dev-2024-05-11-The value attribute within an option element | 08:14:59 PM

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dev-2024-05-11-A pre-condition for the label element and the input element | 08:27:33 PM

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dev-2024-05-12-HTML declaration | 09:57:42 PM

HTML Declaration

To follow inudstry standards, there must be a declaration for HTML documents. This, I believe, is for the HTML content of a website to be uniform across different browsers.

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dev-2024-05-12-Using the pattern element to set rules for an email textbox: | 10:17:12 PM

Using the pattern element to set rules for an email textbox:

Link to original

dev-2024-05-16 | 08:28:09 PM

Embedding a Google Fonts font to an HTML file:

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When embedding a Google Fonts font to an HTML file, make sure to add the following lines of code below the <head> tag:2

<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com">
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" crossorigin>
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Dela+Gothic+One&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">


  1. I’m not sure about this one. I’ll eventually confirm it as I go. The rationale behind me writing this as a context is that I somehow correlated the presence of a for attribute to the id attribute — that the former cannot exist without the latter. However, I am met with the confusion caused by the possibility of the id attribute existing without the for attribute (e.g. as a selector for CSS, i.e. .id-here). UPDATE: Yes, this is validated!

  2. Take note that the typeface in the context of the following code block is the Header font for my branding: Dela Gothic One