4 Common Twitches That Steal (And Profit From) Your Attention



  • Author: Anthony Ongaro
  • Full Title: 4 Common Twitches That Steal (And Profit From) Your Attention
  • Category:articles
  • Published Date: 2020-02-27
  • Summary: The text discusses four common distractions called Twitches that steal our attention and hinder personal growth. These Twitches, such as the Newsfeed Twitch and the Shiny New Object Twitch, provide temporary comfort but prevent us from facing discomfort and growing as individuals. By recognizing and addressing these Twitches, we can reclaim our attention and lead more focused, meaningful lives.
  • URL: https://www.breakthetwitch.com/common-twitches/


  • A quick Instagram check mere seconds after just closing the app. (Still nothing to see there). (View Highlight)
    • Note: lol
  • Taking out my iPhone and, without thinking, opening the Facebook app while looking at Facebook on the laptop in front of me. (Double yikes). (View Highlight)
  • The Four Most Common Twitches (View Highlight)
  • The Newsfeed Twitch (View Highlight)
  • We crave the quick hit of dopamine from something new being available for us. And there always will be something new; always. (View Highlight)
  • The False First Step Twitch (View Highlight)
  • The one-click purchase that feels like a step toward something we want to accomplish, but it ends up gathering dust in the closet. (View Highlight)
  • The False First Step can also take the form of talking about your intentions or sharing what you’re going to do with a friend. Sometimes saying it feels good enough that you don’t actually end up doing it (View Highlight)
  • The Yes Twitch (View Highlight)
  • The Yes Twitch is when we say, “Yes” to requests or commitments that we don’t actually have time for or want to do. (View Highlight)
  • It’s much easier to say “Yes” now, and deal with it later than it is to create an uncomfortable situation by saying “No” right away. (View Highlight)
  • The Shiny New Object Twitch (View Highlight)
  • When things get boring or difficult, this Twitch steals our attention away for another, new, and more exciting pursuit. (View Highlight)
  • It’s great to try new things and experiment, but only if we have the space needed to give it our full attention. (View Highlight)
  • Take a look back on commitments you’ve made over past months and years. Consider how often you take on new things and how often you’re able to fully follow through with them and see if you notice any patterns. (View Highlight)
    • Note: I’ve always wanted to create a newsletter. I tried starting several ones before, heck I even did a podcast. But I became thoroughly unable to commit to them and ended up not doing either of them. I’ll look into creating either a podcast or a newsletter soon but I’ll have to “commit my full attention” to my public journal first.
  • I’m uncomfortable right now, and that’s okay. (View Highlight)
  • Our biggest opportunity for growth as humans is in the face of discomfort and adversity. (View Highlight)
  • You’re not alone in facing these common Twitches. (View Highlight)
  • By facing discomforts we’re not used to sitting with for very long, we can start breaking the Twitch that helps us temporarily escape it. (View Highlight)