2024-05-20 | 09:20:05 PM

Hey there. I’m not really feeling my best today. There’s been a bunch of stuff I need to process in my personal life, like today’s gout attack. It’s really annoying, but I guess it is what it is. But yeah, other than my health concerns, I’ve been dealing with a bit of my emotional/mental health recently, so it’s hard to keep up with the pace I used to have in my development journey. Nonetheless I’ll try to find a way to code on my phone, so I won’t have to be in pain while sitting at my chair. I’ll still add the dev contexts I’ll be having here. I’ll try using CodeCademy this time.

2024-05-20 | 09:43:47 PM

Tonight, I will be learning JS:

I just realized I need to use the popup (or is it called embedded?) browser within the Codecademy Go so I can learn using the app. The app itself is made for practicing. Anyway—back to it.

2024-05-20 | 10:00:16 PM

I’m going to make a separate context note for JS.

Printing a value in JS:


The syntax above prints the number 5 in the console.

Putting comments on JavaScript:

We can put comments using the following syntax:

  • //{{comment-here}} or
/*Your comments here!*/

Notice how the above syntax for multi-line comments looks like comments for CSS!