2024-05-23 | 10:22:50 PM

Heya. Coding today using CodeCademy. I’m on PC; I’ll continue learning Python. 1

2024-05-23 | 10:25:44 PM

I just new I will be learning Python 2 here, instead of Python 3.

How to use the print statement in Python

2024-05-23 | 10:29:30 PM

Right, time to move on to JS instead, lol.

2024-05-23 | 10:35:50 PM

A JavaScript operator is a “character that performs a task in our code.” One example of this is JSarithmetic operators: plus +, minus -, multiply *, divide /, and remainder %.2

It’s funny that I just learned that the moon landing was way back 1969 (or so CodeCademy says so LOL) by navigating my coding journey:



  1. Oops! I just realized I’m not supposed to be on the Python course. 🤣 I should be on the JS one! Anyway. I’ll still use the context I wrote here for the Python note.

  2. This is sometimes called modulo.