Why Dr. Peter Attia Changed His Mind on Fasting



  • Author: Thomas DeLauer
  • Full Title: Why Dr. Peter Attia Changed His Mind on Fasting
  • Category:articles
  • Published Date: 2023-05-13
  • Summary: Dr. Peter Attia discusses several topics he has changed his mind on over the past five years. He used to believe in the importance of regular fasting, but now feels that the trade-off of losing muscle mass outweighs the benefits. He also had a change of heart about GMOs and now has concerns about the long-term effects of glyphosate. He has gained a deeper appreciation for the power of exercise and its effects on various systems in the body. Lastly, he used to take metformin as a preventive measure but now questions its efficacy as a protective molecule.
  • URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb6gMegtLcg&t=2s


  • probably did a seven day seven to ten day water only fast once a quarter in a three day water only fast once a month and um I think while there were clearly some benefits of doing that um I think you know it’s very difficult to measure what’s happening cellularly but my belief at least was that the benefits of that outweighed the downside the downside of doing that by the way is you’re going to lose a lot of muscle mass (View Highlight)