2024-05-14 | 09:12:16 PM

Hey there! I started coding minutes ago. Now I just finished my first certification project for fCC’s Responsive Web Design course:

Though the code is still really unrefined at the moment, the important thing is I managed to pass all the tests needed by fCC to give me the certification. Here’s how it looks right now, with only a little bit of CSS (it’s extremely messy 😂):1

What’s important is that I progressed on coding today. I’ll do the same thing tomorrow. I’ll fix the code’s CSS tomorrow and finally submit it, so I can formally move forward to the next lessons! 🔥



  1. I’ll fix this soon as I can! My excitement for coding today’s been kinda low since my day hasn’t been the best. I attribute it to not having slept properly tonight but it’s also just a bunch of things on the background that I’d rather keep private.