2024-05-08 | 09:56:05 AM

Heya! I’m coding some CSS right now in FCC. Let’s do it. 🔥

dev-2024-05-08 | 10:01:12 AM

A simple use-case for a linear gradient in CSS:

2024-05-08 | 10:47:34 AM

I’m done coding today. One hour spent well, I would say. Well, to be fair, it really wasn’t one hour. It was just around that:

But it was fun nonetheless. I’m not gonna lie, I’m kinda getting bored of it already since I’m already getting the hang of it quick since I’d already studied HTML and CSS before. I really wanna jump into JS and Python and other fun languages so I could integrate them into my workflow. However, I also understand that I’m not that good yet at this point to actually jump into those languages.

It’s just… ugh. I’m just bored, that’s it. I really want to build a personal project already with the knowledge that I have. I think a few documentation searches here and there and a few handful of YouTube guides (especially from that one webdev girl and that webdev dude, both of whom I watched before) would be thoroughly helpful.

Anyways! I’ll make use of this energy sometime soon. For one, I really do not know what to build yet, next, I have very limited coding knowledge for now to actually build something more interesting than a simple landing page… so there’s that.