What Would You Do if Money Were No Object?




  • We all want to be excited, we all love to laugh and adventures get our hearts beating. We’re all kids deep down - it’s just that the world beats it out of us and we become numb to it all. Just look how happy kids are. They do whatever they want and they all seem to be drunk on good times. (View Highlight)
  • I had an inkling that it would be the case but I didn’t think it would be so clear cut - everything that I desire in life requires very little in the way of riches. Obviously every form of pastime involves a little bit of monetary investment but if you can turn your passion into a steady stream of income, this shouldn’t be an issue. (View Highlight)
  • The biggest thing for me is simply being free to do what I want, when I want. (View Highlight)
    • Note: This is all I want. To do whatever, whenever. And feel happy, satisfied, and at peace (that is, without anxiety about anything in the future).
  • We want connection and we want joy. If you’ve got those two boxed off and you can appreciate the small things that you do every day, you’ll be well on your way to a happy life. (View Highlight)
  • We all get too bogged down in the notion that ‘When I have X, I’ll be happy’ and we delay our happiness until a future that never comes. We’ve got to open our eyes and realise that everything we truly desire, we can have right now. We can be truly happy in this moment. (View Highlight)
  • Once you’ve got a steady income doing whatever you do - be that the job you don’t really want to do or the vocation that you love more than anything in the world - start your implementation process. (View Highlight)
  • Sort your basic needs out: Rent, phone bill, food, car and gym (and whatever other genuine essentials you need to sort, obviously). After this, put away 10-15% in your bank account for savings and if you can, invest another 10-15% into stocks. (View Highlight)
  • If you’re looking to break free from that 9-5 life, start after work and weekends on your passion, build up your savings, try to transform your passion and skills into an income and soon enough, you’ll have enough (about 6 month’s salary) saved up to pursue your dream. (View Highlight)
  • Eventually, you’ll want to build up some passive income to keep you going as you pursue your passion projects more and more. (View Highlight)
  • airy fairy (View Highlight)
    • Note: Impractical and foolishly idealistic.
  • Once you know what your purpose is and know what gets you going, you needn’t be embarrassed or feel pressured into doing anything else. (View Highlight)
  • We all seem to forget that life is finite and we judge others for pursuing their dreams even if it means a lower paycheque. (View Highlight)
  • Why run yourself into the ground building someone else’s empire just for a higher salary that you’ll waste on pointless nonsense to fill your house, wardrobe and driveway with? I know I’d choose a smaller income if it meant I could do whatever I pleased every day for the rest of my life. (View Highlight)
  • whatever your passion is - do it. Over time, you will master your craft and eventually, it’ll pay the bills because there are people out there who will pay for it. (View Highlight)