2024-05-12 | 09:40:43 PM

I must say I’m extremely tempted to just get off this Responsive Web Design course and go straight into their JavaScript course but I know that I have to push through this boredom before I could get there. It’s one of those Twitches1 described by Anthony Ongaro in his article, 4 Common Twitches That Steal (And Profit From) Your Attention. It’s the “Shiny New Object” Twitch. Having said that, I’ll strictly follow his advice to keep at it, despite things getting difficult (this in this context, not difficult per se, but boring).

2024-05-12 | 09:58:03 PM

HTML Declaration

To follow inudstry standards, there must be a declaration for HTML documents. This, I believe, is for the HTML content of a website to be uniform across different browsers.

2024-05-12 | 10:16:10 PM

Using the pattern element to set rules for an email textbox:

2024-05-12 | 10:22:26 PM

Linking a stylesheet to an HTML file:

To create a relationship between an existing CSS stylesheet, we must input the following syntax into our HTML file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./{{stylesheet-here}}">

2024-05-12 | 11:15:49 PM

Heya… I’m calling it a day today. I have progress on my next task for fCC, which is my first certification project:

Here it is so far:

I’ve had quite a bit of fun today problem solving. Isn’t that, after all, the point of coding? To problem solve? I gotta admit though, it’s been kind of challenging at times having to go back to my notes to find a context. It’s really helpful that I built for myself a context log of some sort through my HTML and CSS notes. That’s it for now, I’ll get back to coding tomorrow. I gotta get some rest since it’s already late.



  1. A Twitch is described in the following summary of Anthony Ongaro’s article, Identifying the Twitch That’s Keeping Us Distracted and Stagnant in Life:

    Transclude of Anthony-Ongaro,-Identifying-the-Twitch-That’s-Keeping-Us-Distracted-and-Stagnant-in-Life#^5c1011