2024-05-05 | 03:13:48 PM

Today I’m starting my development journey. Hence, as you could probably already tell, there’s a new folder under my dailies folder, named _dev. This folder will contain all my daily learnings in coding and development (I honestly don’t know the difference between the two, as I’m still a beginner at this point). And yes, I plan on coding 7 days a week, every day, until I get competent enough to build the things that I want. Until then, I’m going to dedicate a bulk of my energy and effort to building this skill, as I’d been interested in learning coding already for as long as I could remember.

Here’s a roadmap that I will follow, which I got from a website called output.sh:

2024-05-05 | 05:54:21 PM

I just finished FreeCodeCamp’s basic HTML course:

I can’t write much here since I already know most (around 95%) of what was taught — I just need a few documentations here and there to go about my HTML. I’m now moving forward to the a CSS part name “Learn Basic CSS by Building a Cafe Menu”. Here’s a screenshot of what I did in the previous HTML course lol, it’s a simple website about cats:

2024-05-05 | 06:20:05 PM

I might need this soon, so I’m putting it here.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />