2024-05-17 | 07:28:48 AM

This is a test to see if my public journal’s Git is working on Macbook. I’m currently typing it using my Macbook and I’ll see if it syncs back to my desktop.

2024-05-17 | 12:36:05 PM

Hi there. I’m currently at the office now. It’s kinda weird how silent it is but I understand that there’s a lot of things that each of us has to do. It’s nice that I get to co-exist in a space wherein I feel like I’m not judged for whatever it is that I’m doing. I don’t have much to say other than that it’s kinda boring in here. I’m just waiting for 12:45 PM so we can get to meet with our Capstone 2 adviser, then I could think of the changes that I’ll implement to our paper. We ate steak a while ago, which I’m kinda thinking about since I have health concerns that affect my dietary choices. I have a health condition that requires me to actively avoid steak and other high-purine food, so I’m a bit concerned about that. Other than that though, I think I’m generally okay.

2024-05-17 | 02:06:42 PM

I’m dumping my notes on the Creative Bootcamp here:

Design Principles


  • See/observe like a designer
  • Think like a designer
    • Lateral thinking
      • Something something about rhizomatic systems.
    • LInear reasoning
  • Representational drawings
  • Non-representational drawing
  • Don’t marry your idea:
    • Continuous iteration and self-brainstorming
  • Visual language 1
    • Visual Rhetoric
    • Semiotics
    • Didactics
    • Symbol style
    • Symbol families
    • Metaphors
    • Poetics
  • Discover everything about your target market
    • Think globally:
    • Integrate proper market research
  • Collaboration
  • Organize
  • Think Micro:
    • Micro-decisions such as type size, layouts, color choices, etc.
    • Think Macro:
      • Check the project as a whole if it is cohesive.
      • Scheduling and organizing:
        • Intermediate deadlines and breaking the process
        • Set a series of milestones and/or checkponts/meeting approvals with client/s
        • Organize and always update files
        • Label and fix your layers LOL
  • Design Flow:
    • Receive and understand the brief and budget
    • Ask, clarify, and collate all materials & brand & target audience knowledge
    • Research & conceptualize
  • Q&A:
    • Where do you draw the fine line between inspiration and copying it as your own2
      • Daqui: As long as you’re able to add your own twist to it, it’s considered more as an inspiration than a copy.3
      • Krissie: It’s important to build on it, not copy it.


Fundamentals of Composition:

  • Visual structure and organization of elements within a design to convey an intended message.
  • Why does it matter to us as a digital agency?4
    • Because of visual perception — the way our eyes and brains make sense of what we see.
    • Any element in design is viewed in a context.
  • Gestalt theory:
    • A set of theories:
      • Proximity
      • Continuity
      • Formatting
      • Symmetry
        • Symmetrical
          • Calm, peaceful, balanced, clean, and static
        • Assymetrical
          • Dynamic, moving, and tense
      • Similarity
      • Common Fate
      • Common Region
      • …among others
    • How do we apply these theories in design?
      • Layouting
        • Elements should be arranged in a logical and coherent way.
        • Be friends with grids!
        • Use the rule of thirds.
      • Formatting
        • The best way to determine forma is through the content. Examine all available materials for inclusion before you determine the final format.
        • Choosing visuals:
          • Image style and theme
          • Be contrary
          • Budget and schedule
          • Target audience
          • Shelf life
          • Clarity of info
          • Perceived value
          • Design criteria and usage
          • DIY
      • Symmetry


Elements of Design 5

  • Typography is the process of arranging letters, words, and text for almost any context imaginable.
  • Why fonts matter:
    • Fonts matter because it conveys a lot of the contexts that can be implemented in the design process.

2024-05-17 | 10:52:57 PM

I just got home. It took 4 hours trying to book a vehicle going home. It was really annoying having to deal with that, but I also understand that I really couldn’t do anything about it (the situation) but accept it and do with it what I can. I’ll have to code tonight just a little bit just so I keep being consistent at the habit. You can refer to my dev log.



  1. Refer to the primary source given by Krissie. PS: I actually opted to not ask this anymore since I got shy. 🥲

  2. This was asked by Zion

  3. She talks in the context of Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon (I don’t know the right spelling lol)

  4. Daqui’s speaking in the context of Hatch Corporate Solutions.

  5. I choose not to note too much on this segment of the bootcamp since I already understand it.