Hi there!

Glad to see you here — this page is what I would generally recommend people to start, when they start fiddling with my website.

This page going to be some sort of a User’s Guide to the Author. Sure, you might see my quirks from myarticles and my dailies entries here and there, but the cream of the crop’s gonna be in this page, if you want to know who I actually am.

Think of this page as an introductory page, or perhaps the usual about page of websites, except with one catch: It’s not about the website per se, as in the Public Journal. Enough information about that can be found in, again, the landing page.

Instead, this page is about the author himself, which is me.

Okay, so who am I?

You can take a glance at the list below, to know some general information about who I am.

Basic Information


Here’s some more quick information about me. If you already came from the front page, feel free to skip to the next part.

Wtf is this?

Welcome to Alexander’s Thoughts, a dedicated online space for my thoughts to live in.

I’m Ian, a 22-year-old graphic designer from the Philippines.

I’m pursuing a BAMMA (Bachleor of Arts in Multimedia Arts) at CIIT Philippines and, at the same time, I’ve been working at Hatch Corporate Solutions as a graphic designer for already more than a year.

I have years of experience working in the creative industry, both in the freelance and corporate setting. If you’re interested about my design work, here’s my partial clientele:

For my creative work, you can check out my portfolio (TBA).

Should you want or need to contact me, please feel free to do so through my email: ian.aquino.personal@gmail.com.

If all else fails, ping me over at Viber, Telegram, Discord or iMessage.

In case you can’t use those links, my username for Viber, Telegram and Discord are the same:


And if, for some reason, none of those links work, here’s my public mobile number, which you can reach out to instead of the embedded Viber, Telegram, Discord, and iMessage links:

+63 975 683 3648

Link to original

Mission Statement

Simplified Mission Statement

I think, write, and design.

Quick context about my mission statement:

My mission is to think, write, and design.

As a professional graphic designer and all-in-all creative, I harness my skills to craft not only visually compelling but also impactful designs. My passion for writing also thrives in my public journal, where I share my daily reflections and insights. Through both of these pursuits — designing and writing — I aim to inspire, engage, and provoke thought in my audience, sparking meaningful conversations and innovations in diverse fields.

Interests & Skills

  • Design
    • 2D
      • Adobe Creative Suite
      • Adobe Photoshop
      • Adobe Illustrator
      • Adobe After Effects
      • Adobe Premiere Pro
      • Adobe Audition
      • Adobe XD
    • 3D
      • Maya
      • Substance Painter
      • Cinema 4D
      • Blender
  • Reading & Writing
  • Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)
    • Note-making
    • Note-taking
    • The Zettelkasten method
  • Trading
    • Smart Money Concepts (SMC)
    • Inner Circle Trader Concepts (ICT)
  • Minimalism
    • Intentionalism
    • Essentialism


If you want to see an exhaustive list of my values, click here. Otherwise, for quick introductions like this, this summary would suffice:

Ian's Values

My values revolve around optimizing my time, health, wealth, and relationships to achieve a balanced and fulfilling life. In terms of time, I prioritize productivity through focused work, rest periods, and commitment to my goals. I actively engage in personal growth through self-reflection and nurture my creativity through design and writing. My curiosity drives me to continuously read and explore new ideas. In health, I make conscious lifestyle choices, such as ensuring adequate sleep and managing my diet across both digital and physical realms, to maintain overall well-being. Regarding wealth, I value passion projects, personal branding, and mindful spending, including proper allocation of resources. Lastly, I emphasize the importance of relationships—both romantic and familial—by cherishing quality time, physical touch, and meaningful interactions with my loved ones.


Where to next?

If you feel like you’ve exhausted this page of the information you can get about me already, then it’s only right to move on to _READ-ME-NEXT, so you can know more about your way around this website.