2024-05-11 | 01:58:20 PM

I’d spent most of my day so far browsing the internet, going through content wherein I told myself I could hopefully get something from. I found a few interesting websites, some of which I’d already encountered before and re-visited them instead to get inspiration. I detail them all in this list:

Additionally, here something interesting I found, which could capture your attention if you would want to start a blog. It’s called Bear Blog. Here’s a direct quote from their website:

“A privacy-first, no-nonsense, super-fast blogging platform”

Personally, had I not encountered Quartz, I feel like I would resonate with the idea behind it, given my ongoing interest with digital minimalism. However, given its “bear necessities” approach, I think I really would consider Digital Garden instead of it, since I use Obsidian quite a lot.

Oh, and I also found a cool website that calculates the carbon footprint of your website. I saw it from one of the webpages I browsed this morning, I just can’t remember exactly where.

Here’s the carbon result of my website:


2024-05-11 | 10:03:48 PM

It’s so cool that I the spike in the commits of Quartz’s GitHub repository is partly (or should I say majorly? 😅) due to my activity. I’d been dedicating a lot of time with this tool, it seems. Obviously so:

Anyway! Here’s today’s dev log. Here some cool update on it:

Link to original

As you could probably already tell, I’ve been spending a lot of time on my coding education, which I would say is quite the fun! Despite some boredom here and there because I feel like I’m being babysat as a beginner, it’s still an interesting thing that I’m glad I introduced back into my life.

2024-05-11 | 10:17:59 PM

This is gonna sound stupid but… just now as I was mindlessly browsing my desktop, my eyes chanced upon an image of the Pampers logo. I just realized my brand colors remind me of Pampers. 😭



  1. I found myself browsing the Quartz Discord server this morning and found out about Obsidian’s Digital Garden plugin. Someone was saying it’s a better alternative to Quartz, given the following conditions: 1) You work individually, as in you don’t rely on other people in a team to contribute to your website. 2) It supports the native CSS configurations of Obsidian’s community themes, 3) Digital Garden comes with more features out of the box, compared to Quartz. He probably outlined more reasons than what I could mention in this note but his points caught my attention, so I checked the plugin’s website to see what I could find.

  2. Here I knew about the /Now page movement, which was something sparked by Derek Sivers. Here’s a direct quote from the nownownow website: “[W]hat this person is focused on at this point in their life. For short, we call it a ‘now page’.” This reminds me so much of my dailies, where I write about anything I could think of on a daily basis. You might want to check it out, if you haven’t already. I generally recommend that page for people who want to know what I’m currently up to. Or, using the basal concept of the /Now page movement, what I’m up to now.

  3. I have no particular footnote for this one, other than his website is extremely minimalistic. It’s straight to the point with minimal design. There’s no ‘noise’ in it whatsoever, and it’s really just his thoughts and ideas in the form of words.

  4. Just this morning I got to share my admiration for Maggie Appleton to my girlfriend. In our conversation thread, I detail the following: Maggie has always caught my attention since she stands out among the common bunch that I see online. Whenever I see her work, I constantly tell myself I want to be “Just like her.” Understandably so, as her interests are fascinating. Here’s a direct quote from the about page of her website: “I sit at the intersection of design, anthropology, and programming. These three are at the core of everything I make.” It is, as I’ve said to my girlfriend, one of my dreams to be interesting, like Maggie. Not really in the sense that I would be exactly like her, but of course in my own realms of interest. Personally, at the time of writing — 2024-05-11 | 02:18:04 PM — I’m really interested in 3D motion design, general art direction, and writing this public journal. Hopefully I’m taking the right steps to achieve my dream of becoming interesting.