2024-05-05 | 01:09:06 AM

GitHub’s version control is fucking amazing. I’ll write about this later since it’s already 01:09:38 AM! 😂

2024-05-05 | 02:17:48 PM

Heya! I just woke up a while ago around 11:00 AM. I did a few preliminary things like get food and fix a few things before I could formally write stuff down in my public journal. You know, I’ve been kinda thinking of a creative way to refer to my public journal. I’ve been thinking something along the lines of the following:

  • Public Journey
  • Public Jelly
  • Peanut Butter and Journals
  • Peanut Butter and Jellies

I’m thinking these are quite fun to refer to my approach in journaling — fun, not button-up and uptight, but at the same time exciting (like you won’t know what’s coming — and isn’t that kinda the point of this public journal?)!

As much as I want to dive deep into what I wrote above at 1:09:06 AM, I would really love if I could restart my coding journey today. I think that’s the priority this week, so I’ll set aside writing my ideas regarding GitHub’s version control, and then possibly put something about that in the future. In the meantime, I’ll make sure to put it in my idea dump!

2024-05-05 | 09:56:14 PM

I just got off a call with a friend. It’s nice that I got to talk to someone after quite some time. It’s nice that I also got some time to spend with myself during the weekend. I finally finished the commissioned project I was talking about (an informative motion graphics video) in 2024-05-03. Well technically, I’d already finished about 92% of the thing when I wrote that entry, but I added the final touches today. It went really well, and I had fun doing it, after quite some time of spending the bulk of my professional efforts away from After Effects.

I also spent some of my time today coding, and I finally decided to make what I call a dev log.

I originally encountered the idea from Nicole van der Hoeven in one of her videos, where she talked about Espanso. Here’s what I have to say about the dev log: