
This note was made as a supplement to my journal entry on June 7, 2023. While writing the journal entry, I struggled to understand where I was in life. It was probably because I didn’t know what I valued. And so after a few hours of rigorous reflection, I wrote what follows.

So, if I may ask, what are my values in life, and what are the barriers that hinder those values from being noticed?

My Value Hierarchy

  • Time 1
    • Productivity 2 ^7be3f5
      • Focus 3
        • Productivity Blocks 4
      • Rest 5 ^d3da9c
        • Breaks 6
      • Commitment 7
    • Growth 8 ^9d77c8
      • Self-reflection 9
    • Creativity 10
      • Design 11
      • Writing 12
    • Curiosity 13
      • Reading 14
  • Health 15 ^d0ea20
    • Lifestyle 16
      • Sleep 17
      • Diet 18
        • Digital 19
        • Physical 20
  • Wealth 21
    • Passion projects 22
      • Personal Brand 23
        • Content creation 24
        • Business 25
    • Mindful spending 26
      • Proper allocation 27
  • Relationships 28
    • Romantic 29
      • Quality time 30
      • Physical touch 31
    • Casual 32
    • Familial 33

Here are the definitions for each value I have listed above.


  1. Time: The optimal use and management of one’s available hours and minutes to achieve desired outcomes efficiently.

  2. Productivity: Maximizing output and accomplishing tasks effectively by focusing on important activities, taking regular breaks, and ensuring sufficient sleep.

  3. Focus: The ability to direct attention and concentration on specific tasks or goals, avoiding distractions and increasing efficiency.

  4. Productivity Blocks: Specific time blocks in my calendar that are specifically made to allow for maximized productivity on focus-intensive tasks.

  5. Rest: Engaging in periods of relaxation and rejuvenation, including scheduled breaks and sufficient sleep, to restore energy and maintain overall well-being.

  6. Breaks: Short intervals of time dedicated to resting and recharging, typically used to step away from work or mentally demanding activities.

  7. Commitment: A steadfast dedication and adherence to goals, responsibilities, and obligations, ensuring consistent effort and progress.

  8. Growth: Continuous personal development and improvement, involving self-reflection and actively seeking opportunities for learning and advancement.

  9. Self-reflection: Thoughtful introspection and examination of one’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences, facilitating personal growth and self-awareness.

  10. Creativity: The ability to generate original and innovative ideas, expressed through various forms such as design and writing.

  11. Design: The process of creating functional and aesthetically pleasing solutions that address specific needs and enhance the human experience.

  12. Writing: The act of conveying thoughts, ideas, and information through written language, fostering self-expression and effective communication.

  13. Curiosity: A strong desire for knowledge and understanding, driving exploration, questioning, and learning.

  14. Reading: Engaging with written material to gain information, knowledge, and insights, nurturing intellectual curiosity and expanding perspectives.

  15. Health: Overall well-being encompassing physical, mental, and emotional aspects, achieved through conscious lifestyle choices and care.

  16. Lifestyle: Patterns and choices related to daily habits, encompassing various areas such as sleep, diet, and digital and physical well-being.

  17. Sleep: A naturally recurring state of rest characterized by reduced consciousness and physical activity, vital for restorative processes and optimal cognitive function. 7-9 hours of sleep in my personal life is non-negotiable.

  18. Diet: Nutritional intake comprising both digital (information consumption) and physical (food and beverages) aspects, affecting overall health and well-being.

  19. Digital: Referring to the use and management of technology, online presence, and digital consumption, influencing overall lifestyle and well-being.

  20. Physical: Relating to bodily health and fitness, encompassing exercise, nutrition, and physical well-being.

  21. Wealth: Accumulation and management of resources, including financial and non-financial assets, to provide security, opportunities, and personal fulfillment.

  22. Passion projects: Pursuits driven by personal interests and enthusiasm, enabling creative expression and personal growth. Examples include my online presence and side projects such as podcasts and other media.

  23. Personal Brand: The reputation and identity I build for myself, encompassing content creation and business endeavors, reflecting my values and expertise.

  24. Content creation: Producing and sharing various forms of media, such as written, visual, or audio content, to inform, entertain, or engage an audience.

  25. Business: Entrepreneurial activities involving the creation, management, and growth of a venture, typically aiming for profit and sustainable operations.

  26. Mindful spending: Intentional and conscious management of financial resources, ensuring allocation aligns with personal values and long-term goals.

  27. Proper allocation: Appropriately distributing financial resources to different areas or purposes, such as saving, investing, and expenses.

  28. Relationships: Connections and interactions with others.

  29. Romantic: My intimate, committed, and passionate relationship with my girlfriend, characterized by emotional connection, mutual attraction, and romantic involvement.

  30. Familial: Meaningful and focused interactions spent with loved ones, fostering deep connections and strengthening relationships.

  31. Physical touch: Expressing affection and closeness through tactile contact, promoting emotional bonding and well-being in my romantic relationship. Examples include holding hands, physical affection, among others.

  32. Casual: Informal and relaxed relationships or interactions with acquaintances or friends, characterized by a lower level of commitment and intensity.

  33. Familial: Pertaining to relationships within the family unit, involving kinship, support, and shared experiences.