Identifying the Twitch That’s Keeping Us Distracted and Stagnant in Life



  • Author: Anthony Ongaro
  • Full Title: Identifying the Twitch That’s Keeping Us Distracted and Stagnant in Life
  • Category:articles
  • Published Date: 2016-09-14
  • Summary: The document delves into the concept of the “Twitch,” which refers to impulsive, unproductive responses to discomfort that distract us from intentional actions. The author shares a personal experience that led to the realization that attention is not owned but influenced by external factors. Strategies are provided to identify and break the Twitch, including building awareness, minimizing distractions, aligning habits with values, and being open to new opportunities for a more intentional and fulfilling life. The text emphasizes the importance of taking small, consistent steps towards lifestyle improvements while acknowledging the role of accountability and support from others in the process.
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  • an impulsive, unproductive, repeated response to a feeling of discomfort (View Highlight)
    • Note: The definition of the Twitch.
  • The different scenarios that cause the Twitch will vary greatly, but they all have one thing in common. We feel a certain type of discomfort, (called suffering in Buddhism) and there is an impulsive, unproductive solution that doesn’t necessarily solve but eases that discomfort. The Twitch isn’t a one-time occurrence, it’s a pattern that we repeat when we encounter the discomfort over and over again. (View Highlight)
  • Desire → Twitch → Purchase (View Highlight)
  • Frustration → Twitch → Distraction (View Highlight)
  • Boredom → Twitch → Smartphone (View Highlight)
  • You don’t have to change anything yet—just notice. Feel the discomfort when you get the urge to pull out your phone again and acknowledge it. You can say, “Hey Twitch, I see you there.” (View Highlight)
    • Note: I’ll give this a try, starting now.
  • Developing a greater awareness of the Twitch is more difficult with a distracted mind, a cluttered home, and a jam-packed schedule. Even if you’re not exactly sure what you do want in your life, begin by removing everything that you don’t. (View Highlight)
  • Work on identifying and minimizing the distractions that pull us away from the things that really matter to us. We have limited time and energy each day; decluttering our lives allows us to use those resources more effectively. (View Highlight)
  • As Annie Dillard says, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” (View Highlight)
  • The small things we do each day compile over the years to become what we spend our lives on. With this in mind, we should focus on implementing the actions that align with the lifestyle we desire. (View Highlight)
  • If you can imagine spending a day doing exactly what you want to do, what are the small habits that would make up that day? Instead of thinking about the things you dream of having, visualize a day spent in the life that you desire. Identify the actions that can be done now and those that will help build up to that lifestyle. (View Highlight)
  • As we declutter our lives, new possibilities emerge within the space that is created. (View Highlight)
  • Identify things you’re passionate about and find ways to teach others what you know. (View Highlight)
  • Start today, using what you already have to break the twitch. (View Highlight)
  • The absolute best way to make any fundamental shift in life is to simply take action using the resources available. No course will do the work, and new running shoes won’t put one foot in front of the other. It’s the small consistent steps in the right direction that will move us to where we want to be. (View Highlight)