Tweets From ᴅᴀᴠɪᴅ ᴘᴇʀᴇʟʟ ✌




  • If I could change anything about the Internet, I’d get rid of its recency bias. Myopia is the disease of the day. Timely news is prioritized over timeless ideas, and most of what we consume online was created in the past 48 hours. The Internet was supposed to boost our brains by giving us instant access to the greatest minds of all time, but it’s done the opposite instead. Like Sisyphus, hundreds of millions of people are trapped in a Never-Ending Now where they spend hours per day keeping up with whatever’s happening in the world. Social media feeds amplify the latest buzz; link aggregators highlight whatever’s trending; Google prioritizes new articles. We’ve traded the pursuit of wisdom for the goose chase of being informed, and society is paying the price. It’s time to redesign our digital tools and prioritize the accumulated wisdom of humanity over whatever mood the culture happens to be in. (This clip is from a soon-to-be-released conversation with @DanShipper). (View Tweet)