

  • Your psychological footprint is all about how you impact the people in your day to day life. 👫
  • “When you use energy, no matter in what form, you’re leaving behind a trace that contributes overall to global pollution. The life footprint, similarly, leaves behind a trace reflecting…You change the people around you by your actions, ways of relating to them, and decisions you make that affect their lives.”
    • Note: From Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Professor Emerita of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • While ditching plastic straws or utilizing public transportation are great ways to be more ecologically sustainable, it’s also important to think about how we can live a life that is mentally and emotionally sustainable.
  • Because when the standards we set and the pace at which we attempt to live are unsustainable, it leaves us exhausted, stressed, and stretched thin. Making it much more likely that we’ll leave a negative trace on the people we interact with.
  • 🏫 We snap at our kids on the drive to school because we’re (barely) functioning on 6 hours of sleep.
  • 🔬 Micromanage our classmates because we’re afraid of getting anything less than a perfect grade on that joint project.
  • 🚗 Cut off other drivers in traffic (or fail to stop for pedestrians trying to cross the street) because we’re running late to an appointment.
  • …prioritizes physical and mental health. Getting enough sleep, eating before you get hangry, staying hydrated, and practicing self-care goes a long way towards helping you be a kinder, wiser, and more patient human.
    • Note: Slow growth…
  • …maintains healthy margins. And it’s not just about building travel time into your calendar. Slow growth encourages you to acknowledge your limitations and create boundaries so you’re not running on fumes (and a short fuse).
    • Note: Slow growth…
  • …embraces the process instead of looking for quick fixes. Where the hustle and grind mentality says you must work harder and faster (or be left behind), slow growth allows you to go at your own pace — and let others do the same.
    • Note: Slow growth…
  • …celebrates progress, not perfection. Which means you don’t have to hold yourself — or others — to unrealistic and exhausting standards in the pursuit of success.
    • Note: Slow growth…
  • …values people over productivity. We still want to make the most of our time, but a slow growth mindset never sacrifices anyone’s mental, physical, or emotional health to get ahead.
    • Note: Slow growth…
  • The ripple effects of a slower, more intentional, more sustainable lifestyle will positively impact not just your own life, but the lives of everyone around you — whether that’s friends and family or the random strangers who cross your path.
    • Note: Slow growth…