

  • The simple act of constructing my ideal week makes me to think more intentionally about life, and how I’d like to spend my time.
  • The events on my calendar give my useful nudges. At 10pm, for example, I get a calendar notification saying ‘No more devices, bed and reading.” And I think “huh that’s a good idea – I think I will do that.’ It’s a gentle suggestion from my intentional self. Obviously stuff comes up. But it works most days.
  • The calendar acts as a gatekeeper for my time. If I want to take on a new thing, I look at my calendar and see that most of the space is blocked out. So I’ll think “well I need to make space for this”.
  • Be more intentional about who you want to become. Have vision beyond your current circumstances. Imagine your best future self, and start acting like that person today.
    • Note: From High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard. Resurfaced using Readwise.
  • From High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard. Resurfaced using Readwise.