>[!INFO] GENERAL NOTICE > >Hello again! It's Alex, and I'm back to manage my website. After a bit of a hiatus, I've decided to migrate from [Quartz](https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/) to [Obsidian Publish](https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/). While this has brought about some exciting changes, it's also introduced a few challenges that I'll need to address promptly. > >For now, please bear with me as I work through some content-related issues. You might notice broken links, missing context, or absent attachments - all of which I'm actively working to resolve. > >To be honest, my schedule is quite packed at the moment. With a new 9-to-5 job on the horizon, I'll be balancing work and personal responsibilities. I apologize in advance for any gaps in updates - my time is limited, and I'll do my best to prioritize my duties. > >I appreciate your understanding as I juggle my responsibilities and make time for website development. Thank you for sticking with me, and I look forward to getting back into a regular writing routine soon! >[!INFO]- OPEN ME! >Hi there. It's Ian from [[2024-05-09]] | 08:24:25 PM. > >If you're here because of my social media stories, thanks for giving just enough shit about me to click the link. Regardless if you came from my social media stories or not, I would like to quickly give context that this website is still in its very nascent stages. I've only been developing it since [[2024-04-29]], and I would say above 85% of the manually-written content here is all over the place. I have a guiding philosophy for this, however, which shines through these snippets of my writing from this journal: > > Case Study No. 1: > ![[2024-05-10#^3d267b]] > >If time allows, I could write an entire note (as in a webpage) for such philosophy. Until then, please let me know if you find an error truly bothersome, so I could fix it. I fix these errors on a daily basis, and I manually go through each page to find them, so it's extremely laborious, which is against my principle of just wanting to have *good enough* -- **not perfect** -- content for people to see. Though I'm all for presentability and having *polished* work, I think what I'm ultimately after is to convey the *truth* of my thinking process. And that process, I must say, is *imperfect*. I could even go as far as to say that all our thoughts aren't developed, unless we manually go through the effort of building upon them. Each of us has different ways to develop a concept, thought, or idea, and my chosen method has always been writing. > >I think through this craft, and it is not, in any way, the business of people to meddle with how I do so. Having said that, if you would like a glimpse of my thinking process, then all I can say is this: > >**Welcome.** It's a messy world here, and I hope you don't mind. If you do, then feel free to exit from here and never bother checking my public journal again. There's a lot of *perfect* content out there that you could see, and this website isn't one of them. This is not something I'm making to please anyone outside of myself, nor is it a piece of material to impress my future employers. As a matter of fact, that couldn't be farther from the truth. To understand more about the nature of this website -- what it is, and why am I making this -- please read on. I hope you could enjoy the journey of reading my public journal as much as I do making it. I'll see you on the other side, wherever that is. šŸ©¶ # What is this? **Welcome to Alexander's Thoughts**. Here, you'll find a collection of my thoughts, musings, and reflections on life. This online space is dedicated to sharing my ideas, experiences, and insights with others who may find value in them. I'm Ian, a 23-year-old [graphic designer](https://www.linkedin.com/in/theianaquino1/) from the Philippines. I'm pursuing a BAMMA (Bachleor of Arts in Multimedia Arts) at [CIIT Philippines](https://www.ciit.edu.ph/) and, at the same time, I've been working at [Hatch Corporate Solutions](https://www.instagram.com/hatch.solutions/?hl=en) as a graphic designer for already more than a year. I have years of experience working in the creative industry, both in the freelance and corporate setting. If you're interested about my design work, here's my partial clientele: ![[PARTIAL CLIENTELE.png]] For my creative work, you can check out my [portfolio](https://www.behance.net/ianaleaquino) Should you want or need to contact me, please feel free to do so through my email: [email protected]. # What about this website? I created this website as a personal outlet for my diverse interests and passions. I'm particularly drawn to design, 3D modeling, business, writing, and many other topics. However, I've come to realize that social media platforms are not ideal for exploring these interests in-depth. I'm not comfortable sharing most of my *deep* thoughts on social media, so I decided to write a blog instead. Some people might call this project a "digital garden," but I think of it as my own personal journal. I want to write about things that interest me without worrying about what other people think. I don't want my ideas to be influenced by what others expect me to say or do. Even if people can judge my writing, I won't let their opinions control what I share. I want to be able to express myself freely, without worrying about getting likes or comments. I just want to share my thoughts and ideas because they're mine, not because I'm trying to impress anyone. By creating this website, I'm giving myself the freedom to explore my interests without any external pressure. It's a space where I can share moments from my life, both positive and negative, with those who value honesty and authenticity. If you want to read about my thoughts, feelings, and experiences, I invite you to visit this website. It won't be perfect, but I'll try my best to share my ideas with you as honestly and openly as I could. And lastly, wherever you might be on this website, remember to follow your own curiosity. It will guide you to places and ideas that -- *who knows?* -- might be worth exploring.