Wtf is this?

Welcome to Alexander’s Thoughts, a dedicated online space for my thoughts to live in.

I’m Ian, a 22-year-old graphic designer from the Philippines.

I’m pursuing a BAMMA (Bachleor of Arts in Multimedia Arts) at CIIT Philippines and, at the same time, I’ve been working at Hatch Corporate Solutions as a graphic designer for already more than a year.

I have years of experience working in the creative industry, both in the freelance and corporate setting. If you’re interested about my design work, here’s my partial clientele:

For my creative work, you can check out my portfolio (TBA).

Should you want or need to contact me, please feel free to do so through my email:

If all else fails, ping me over at Viber, Telegram, Discord or iMessage.

In case you can’t use those links, my username for Viber, Telegram and Discord are the same:


And if, for some reason, none of those links work, here’s my public mobile number, which you can reach out to instead of the embedded Viber, Telegram, Discord, and iMessage links:

+63 975 683 3648

What about this website?

The short answer is I made this website originally to write about whatever I want. The long answer is that I’ve a bunch of interests, much to my chagrin: design, 3D, business, writing, plus a shit-ton more… and I need a channel through which I can yap about those.

I can do all these on a social media account, sure. But the thing is I don’t like social media that much, so I chose a blog. Some may call this project a digital garden, but I think of it more as a public journal:

…a dedicated online space for my thoughts to live in.

I just want a safe space where I could dump whatever I want, without the pressures of having this many likes, this many followers, this many positive comments and all that bullshit. All I want is to talk about what I want to talk about without having to think about what people have to think, or say, or criticize about my work.

I want this space to be one that allows my brain to develop its own interests without any external pressure from any stupid vanity metric.

Plus, I get to share the more important (can be positive or negative!) moments of my life to those who so willingly remain curious, and to those who go out of their way to find this link in whichever place it could be found.

As you probably could pick up on my blog post regarding quitting social media, I cringe at the idea of broadcasting my life to the public. As if it’s something people need to know about! As if they need to know that I felt this way at this exact timestamp, that I meant to say this rather than that, that I ate fucking corn for breakfast, and that I liked Taylor Swift’s new album:

See, the internet has evolved to have a recency bias, where myopia seems to be the norm (h/t David Perell). It’s always the recent stuff that get pushed to our feeds. Bad or good information, doesn’t matter — it gets shoved in our faces.

Link to original

I just… want to be genuine.

And that’s all. That’s all there is to this website (or at least that’s all there is to what I want this website to be) — a place where I could be unequivocally honest.

And if that’s something you’re interested in, then feel free to browse around and let your curiosity take you wherever. I can’t promise it’ll be fun. All I can promise is that I’ll probably bore you out of your mind because you’d soon realize that this website isn’t like how everyone else builds their website to be.

So, dear reader, where to next?

If you don’t know where to go next, I urge you to check out _READ-ME-FIRST, so you could get to know me, the author of this public journal. Then, as much as I would love to leave the next steps to you, it would be best for you to familiarize yourself with the content of this website, which I do a good job of discussing over at _READ-ME-NEXT.

If that sounds boring, I recommend checking out my highlights on several materials (articles, books, podcasts, tweets, videos, and whatnot), which you can find on the Explorer, to the left of your screen.

If you’re on a mobile device, I apologize as I don’t have a better option at the moment than to direct you to the search and advise you to type whatever you want (but feel free to read _READ-ME-FIRST also!).

If you don’t have anything particular in mind, I suggest starting off witharticles, where you can surely see some interesting stuff. Then maybe try searching the keyword Matter, if you want more. Perhaps you just want to get a general feel of how I think — you might want to check out my idea dump. If my idea dump sounds interesting and you have a little extra time to spare, my dailies might catch your attention.

Whatever you do, just remember to follow your curiosities. They’ll lead you somewhere, I promise.



  1. I tried a few years back but I quit due to some things in my personal life that required attention — hence my surface-level knowledge about some of the languages. These languages are HTML, CSS, and JS.

  2. This will remain highly possible, given the context of Obsidian as a local-based Markdown text editor. Everything in this vault is made of plain text, except for a few plugins here and there, which are written in different languages like JS and Python, for example. Should I get the capability to build my own digital garden-like website, a sort of personal wiki, I will immediately hop to it so I can translate all my content into a system that I would personally create which, I assume, would be much like Quartz. I would approach this endeavor, however, with an extremely high level of patience, since I understand that learning the topic of coding and development could take somewhere between 3-5 years before I could formally be competent at it. I understand this, but the nature of development being a continuous learning process, much like arts and design, is extremely interesting to me. Having said that, I’ll see where this interest could take me. As of writing, it’s 2024-05-11 | 02:59:46 PM. I’ll come back to this in the future and eventually realize I’m already at a different place in my coding education